The Anglo Catholic Story is one of flawed, heroic, faithful men and women.
It's the story of tribes – intellectuals and academics, poets and musicians, socialists and conservatives. It is parishes in the slums of London and inner city of Philadelphia. It’s the destination parishes of the great cities and of the neighborhood rooted working class communities.
They sought a better country. Fr. Lowder spoke of his intention, “The ritual of St. Peter’s is not a mere aesthetic embellishment but the outward expression of a great reality.” For them the church and its worship was about “heaven being represented on earth.”
You can't get it – you can't really understand it unless you are inside it. It's not a tradition that you can stand outside of --observe, dissected and study -- and really understand.
Anglo Catholics: A bit of history
Voice From a Church
An interview with Dr. Douglass Dalton at St. John the Evangelist Church in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Reflections on his connection with an Anglo Catholic parish.